Understanding The International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005

The International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005, or IMBRA, is a United States federal statute that requires background checks for all marriage visa sponsors and limits repeated visa applications. The law requires background checks for US citizens using marriage brokerage services focused primarily on providing dating services between US citizens or residents and foreign nationals for a fee. Date International IMBRA compliant and we offer several services to help men law-abiding men to pursue an International relationship

what is an international marriage broker

An international marriage broker refers up to a for-profit company or dating website whose main business focus is to introduce U.S. residents to foreign nationals for the true purposes of marriage. If you look at all of the Date International testimonials you'll quickly notice that this is all we do, this is our main focus and we do it to the best of our ability. For more indepth information about IMBRA we highly recommend that you do your own independent research or register with us and speak with one of our professionals.

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