About DateInternaional.org

DateInternational.org is the official landing page for DateInt.com. Because the orgins of our service come from a brick and mortar operation, we were initially unaware that the length of our domain name as well as our '.org' top-level domain could be confused with copy cats. So instead of wasting the energy and resources, we just moved our website to www.DateInt.com 💕 which we think is a lot easier for people to type into their phone or web browser.

About us and what we do is simple we're an International Matchmaking service, which we'd like to remind the reader should not be confused with a simple international dating website. Our service revolves around a brick and mortar physical location

The entire Date International 💕 expereince revolves around physical meetings between consenting adults that we hope will lead to marriage. After doing our indepth research, we've found a common ground for women looking for love in which the age of the man is of minor importance and men willing to take a chance on love with women from other countries.

With Date International 💕 our primary focus revolves around international dating, our matchmaking service is all that we do. Some people are electricians, plumbers, business people, lawyers, doctors etc. We're do International matchmaking, we bring people to together in hope that's you'll find happiness together, that's it! If our service interests you please visit: www.DateInt.com 💕

Date International 💕
Beautiful sincere women want to meet you.