Do mail order marriages still exist?

If you're wondering if mail order marriages still exist? The answer is yes, however Date International is an international matchmaking service and not a mail order bride service. We're Imbra compliant and our service revolves around you meeting in person prior to committing to marriage. Date International is IMBRA compliant, so if you're wondering, the answer is yes we follow The International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005, so you need not worry about breaking any laws while using our services.

The profiles you'll see on our Date International website are profiles of women who are serious about finding a relationship. The women who join our service, do so voluntarily and they join our service not out of desperation, they join our service because they're genuinely looking for love.

If you're Marriage Minded, and want to meet someone for marriage, regardless of your age, you'll want to consider skipping the mail order bride scams, and instead join a legitimate matchmaking service. Our professional matchmaking service does things the right way, the legal and ethical way, to avoid you the traps and pitfalls that plagued the mail order bride industry.

Age is nothing but a number

If you're Marriage-Minded consider joining our massive Network, we're here to serve you 24/7/365. We will return email messages during regular business hours and you can also contact us. We're a U.S based company we know you'll love our service.
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Beautiful sincere women want to meet you.